Phil Cooper


Hope Architects was founded in 2019 by Phil Cooper, an RIBA Chartered Architect with nearly 20 years experience working with residential developers, both in private practice, and for a national house builder. When in practice, Phil designed small housing developments using bespoke house types, large developments for volume builders using standard types, and multi-storey apartment blocks in and around London. Phil then spent over 7 years working for Bloor Homes, a respected national housebuilder, completing around 4000 houses per year. At Bloor, he worked in the Group Design team for several years producing housing schemes up and down the country, and then as manager of the Design Team in Bloor’s North West region, designing and implementing large schemes of upwards of 70 units throughout the North West.

Phil lives in the Peak District National Park, where he can climb, walk, and generally enjoy the countryside. He is occasionally found helping tend to a small flock of Charolais cross sheep in the beautiful Hope Valley.